I have heard the most amazing pronunciations in my rounds both on visiting my clients and at workshops. Not to mention consistent misspelling of breed names on poultry selling websites and on social media. Here's a few to get started.
Australorp = os-tra-LORP
Orpington = or-ping-ton (NO 'ph' in this name)
Rhode Island Red = road-eye-land-red
Cochin = co-CHIN (coach-in)
Mille Fleur = meal-flurr
Minorca = min-OR-cah
Andalusian = an-da-loo-see-an
Sumatra = soo-mah-trah
D'uccle = dew-clay (NOT dee-uncle)
Maran = ma-ron (NOT mo-rahn)
Houdan = hoo-dan
Crevecouer = krev-a-core
Aseel = ah-seel
Barnevelder = barn-eh-fel-der
Araucana = a-roo-carn-ah
Pekin = pee-kin
d'Anvers = dee-ann-ver
Fayoumis = fie-you-me
Chantelclers = shan-tah-clair
Ancona = an-cone-ah
Faverolle = fav-er-ol
Brahma = bra-mah
Wyandotte = why-un-doat
Can you add any more to this list? Please leave a comment below.