Quails are perfect for small spaces like the suburban backyard.
Hens lay daily from 6 weeks on.
The males crow (and can get pretty loud and annoying).
Quails are excellent foragers for pests on plants while being gentle to the garden, in general.
Their aviary must contain good hiding places. The height of the aviary is important as they prefer to fly up high when frightened.
Just like chickens, they also love to dust bathe. Do not wire mesh their floor.
They are ground dwelling birds who do not like to perch, but instead huddle together on the floor at night.
They can be kept with budgerigars who like to live up high while the quails remain down below.
Quails live 2-3 years.
They are bred for eggs &/or meat depending on the breed.
Quails in Australia:
- Japanese Quails - commonly known as a Coturnix, Brown, Pharaoh or Jumbo Coturnix Quail
- Tibetan Quails
- Californian Quails
- Bobtail Quails
- White or Italian Quails
- King Quails
- Tuxedo Quails
- Chinese Paint Quails
- Texas A&M
Which one is right for you?
Meat or eggs? Or just good looks?
- Coturnix can lay up to 300 eggs in their first year, and are the most popular
- Texas A&M are meat birds
- English White are smaller than the Texas A&M, are pure white with a single dot on their back of their heads
- Tuxedos were bred from Texas A&M with a Tibetan. Stunning colours as a result
- Chinese Painted Quails are by far the most stunning and the tiniest
Even though Cotrunix Quails (Japanese, Italian and English White) are prolific egg layers, they are not great for going to broody to hatch them. That is why many breeders prefer to hatch fertilised eggs in an incubator.
Why you will like quails
- The small speckled eggs are outstanding!
- The taste of eggs &/or meat
- The different varieties of quails to try
- Plumage
- Personalities
- Gentle bug foragers who will not destroy your plants
- Smaller than chickens
- Landlords are much more likely to allow them
Quails Australia
Milkwood: Keeping Backyard Quails