The effectiveness of a rooster collar will depend on the breed and the correct or incorrect positioning of the collar.
Different brands can make a difference.
The NO CROW collars are wider and have a breathable mesh.
The COCK COLLARS are all one piece of velcro but are more beneficial on the short neck breeds, but not exclusively.
Rooster Collars need to be checked on regularly as boys grow. If there is any purpling of the comb, loosen slightly or give him days off from the collar. Long term use of a rooster collar is not recommended as it can lead to permanent damage or premature death.
My recommendation is to try both and see which one works best for you.
Before using a rooster collar, explore the message boards on poultry websites for tips to see if using a rooster collar is right for you.
Range of sizes according to breed. (VERY HANDY)
Choose from black, white or coloured.