How much Apple Cider Vinegar should be added (ACV) to the chicken's drinking water?
Standard Dose
1 Tablespoon per 4 Litres of Water
Ideal for general health, well-being and to help with the uptake of calcium in their diet when their absorption rate is down. This will be evident in weakened egg shells. Can be used daily.
Boost Dose
2 Tablespoons per 4 Litres of Water
Best to give when the chickens are sick. Extra immunity booster.
Rules to remember with ACV
- Do not add ACV to metal drinking containers at it will react with the metal. Use plastic or PVC drinkers only.
- The Royal Rooster pvc pipe drinkers with drinker cups are exactly 4 Litres - makes for easy measurement.
- Do not add to water source if there is other medications in the drinking water such as worming or respiratory medication.
- Give during time of antibiotics to help gut health.
Supplement with a small bowl of plain Greek Yoghurt for them to eat, too to help with their gut. After antibiotics are finished, give a probiotic supplement in their feed for one week. - Cloudy ACV is better than the clear supermarket variety. Stronger and more effective.
- Clean drinkers DAILY when ACV is added.