Here's to hoping that I have inspired others to become poultry pet sitters, because if you do, I can certainly throw work your way if you are located in the North or the Adelaide Hills. I'm just one person and I can't be every where.
In the article, I talk about the importance of biosecurity when going from one property to another as well as what inspired my start up.
With more and more people adding chickens to their gardens as either an alternative or complimentary pet, chicken pet sitting is on the rise and needs people who not only love to care for other people's chickens but are really knowledgeable. Clients will ask a hundred questions the moment you arrive to meet them. If you love talking about chickens, then you will certainly be inspired to give it ago. I always recommend poultry pet sitting to those who are looking to get back into the workforce but are not fully ready for a job that takes them away from home hours at a time.
My lovely girls feature throughout the article. For that reason alone, its worth grabbing a copy.
AVAILABLE at all newsagents Australiawide. Order it in if they do not have it or grab a subscription so you never miss an issue.
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