It is best to have these plants already established or fenced off until they are of a larger size so that the hens do not trample them under foot.
Many of these provide excellent cover from the weather and provide health benefits to the hens and the in the coop nesting materials to promote respiratory health and immune support.
Poultry are likely to peck at a few of these plants and they will strip a few if they are locked in a run with only these plants as their foraging option, such as agapnathus, which is usually a very hardy plant. Choose plants that will work with you and your garden design.
Herbs, Grasses, Flowering Plants
- Rosemary
- Lavender
- Mint
- Sage
- Comfrey
- Poppies
- Fennel
- Artichokes
- Red Hot Poker
- Japanese Anemone
- Pheasant's Tail Grass
- Cat Mint (Nepeta)
- Euphorbia
- Bearded Iris
- Day Lillies
- Crocosmia
- Peonies
- Lomantra (grasses)
- Agapnathus
- Shrub roses - thornless varities are better
- Buddleia (Butterfly Bush)
- Daphne
- Hydrangeas
- Pittosporum Tenuifolium (hedging bush)
- Hybiscus
- Purple Smoke Bush
Fruit Trees
Grape vines, fig tress, apple tress and citrus are always good choices especially for summer shade, but be aware that they may be tempted to eat the grapes, figs and fallen apples (preferring to avoid citrus).