Here's another one in our myth buster series: Can chickens be de-sexed?
To answer this we need to understand what desexing is, technically.
To DESEX means to castrate, or to medically remove the reproductive organs so that if mating does occur, it will not result in babies.
No poultry (of any kind) are ever de-sexed.
Which means that boys will always become roosters, and girls will be girls.
What people often mean when they say "DESXED" is, "Can you tell which ones are the boys and which ones are the girls?"
So the CORRECT terminology is "SEXED."
Poultry can be SEXED which means to determine which are the boys and to remove them from the girls.
When a poultry sale listing says that their chicks or pullets are UNSEXED means that there is a high chance that many are boys...amongst the girls.
TECHNICALLY, they can be desexed but its called castration. This practice is now banned in Australia.
A castrated rooster is call a Capon.
Below is a picture of the product we use to use many years ago on the farm to castrate our roosters. This product is no longer available due to the rooster castration ban. Caponex is a chemical implant.