There are a few ways to get around this censorship to help spread the word that you have poultry and/or eggs available. After all, the people who have joined these groups are there in hope of finding their new additions or to sell what they have.
- Avoid obvious trigger words that indicate that it is a SALE post. (see below)
- Include great pictures so that people will ask questions about your stock in the comments.
- State where you are located.
- Mention to look in the comments below for more details.
- Ask people to PM (private message) you for more details.
- Never mention the price.
- Available
- For sale
- Purchase
- How much?
- Sale/s
- Sell/s
- Sold
- Selling
- Dollar/s
- $
- Auction/s
- Cost
- Purchase/s/ing
- Buy/ing
- Bought
- WTB (wanted to buy)
- WTS (wanting to sell)
- Give away
These words may not trigger Facebook censors on every post. Some posts may be for a coming event, which FB permits the advertising of.
Stating that "chickens are IN" often can get around that censorship.
Check out your groups for other platforms or websites that they might direct you to for online sales. Some have specially set up websites to help their members.
Best of luck, chooky owners!